Allocating the right marketing budget is a critical decision for small businesses. With limited resources, every dollar spent should bring a meaningful return. The tables below provide essential statistics to help small businesses navigate budget planning, optimal channels, expected returns on advertising, and profitability impact. Additionally, we outline budget recommendations based on specific small business types and their anticipated performance outcomes.
There are over 33 million businesses in the U.S., they spend $481 billion a year on marketing. Ie Average American business spends $14,575 on marketing annually.
But this is a top-heavy figure. Most marketing spending comes from 14.9% to 18% of all businesses (from sole proprietorships to publicly held companies). By comparison, 63.4% of small businesses spend less than $1,000 annually.
The average business spends 12.3% percent of revenue on marketing, with the median rate coming in at 10%.
By aligning budgets with typical industry spending patterns and proven marketing channels, small businesses can set realistic performance expectations. Tracking key metrics like RoAS and adapting to trends (especially in social media and SEO) enables SMBs to maximize impact even with limited resources. With a clear budget plan, small businesses can enhance their brand presence, engage new customers, and ultimately drive sustainable growth.
Source: Upflip’s Small Business Marketing Budget Report